
Digital marketing is just marketing

Digital marketing is just marketing

“Digital marketing is dead, the market is already digitised”. (Prof Durkin University of Ulster Business School presentation to the British Computer Society – Belfast Branch). Don’t have a digital marketing strategy or a digital marketer. Have a marketing strategy that incorporates the new digital technologies. The aim of digital marketing is the same as traditional […]

Want a job – Get a Social Media Profile

Want a job – Get a Social Media Profile

Employers use social media profiles to vet job applicants. That’s not a surprise. This is especially important for younger job applicants. Younger people are more likely to have extensive social media profiles and employers won’t always make allowances for youthful indiscretions. Wayne Denner is based in Belfast and at a recent seminar for the British Computer Society – Belfast […]

The Open Banking revolution has begun

The Open Banking revolution has begun

REVOLUTION day –  Saturday 13th of January 2018 The first real indicator the public had about Open Banking, was when the banks issued new Terms and Conditions last year. They weren’t like the ones we are used to. They were bright and shiny. The banks really wanted us to read them this time. So why did […]

Self Assessment – Ease Your Tax Return Pain

Self Assessment – Ease Your Tax Return Pain

Self assessment and the January deadline has come and gone for another year. Was this years’ Self Assessment just like last years’? Did you find lots of other things to do such as count the office paper clips? Anything but look for your invoices and receipts and getting them to your accountant on time. Did […]

Ethical Hacking – A new cottage industry

Ethical Hacking – A new cottage industry

Ethical Hacking – What is it? Ethical hacking – how can something bad be ethical? If IT was a John Wayne film, hackers would be the bad guys in black hats. Hackers cause immense harm to public confidence in data security and e-commerce. They also force organisations to spend large sums of money on IT […]

GDPR – A Practical Guide

GDPR – A Practical Guide

GDPR is coming and the simple fact is that most of us are ignoring it. Some hoped that BREXIT would save us or that it would just go away. Well I am sorry, but it won’t, and the deadline is the 25th of May 2018. It’s time to take GDPR seriously. This is the first […]

Safeguarding – Is technology the problem?

Safeguarding – Is technology the problem?

Technology has always been a vehicle for child exploitation, but now it can be part of the solution Police raided a photographic studio in Chelsea that belonged to Mr.Henry Hayler. In his studio they found over 130,000 obscene images, many of young children including his two young sons. Hayler had customers all over Europe and […]

Fraud – It started with a Tweet

Fraud – It started with a Tweet

Fraud – you can never be too careful Hardly a week goes by when we don’t hear another story about online or telephone banking fraud. In last weeks Guardian there was such a story, but this had a slightly different twist. Winning your trust For fraud to work, or so people tell me, you have […]

Business Culture and Processes – Change is Coming

Business Culture and Processes – Change is Coming

Over the last few weeks we have been forced to change the way that we work, but will this lead to a permanent change in business culture and processes? Many organisations have adopted technologies they thought only existed in Star Trek (am I giving away my age?). Suddenly, businesses of all shapes and sizes are […]

Ransomware – Thoughts of a victim

Ransomware – Thoughts of a victim

Recently the PSNI Cyber Crime Centre engaged with a Northern Ireland company that was the victim of a ransomware attack. To help raise awareness of cyber crime in general and ransomware in particular, the victim agreed to share their experience with others. As a company, how prepared did you feel your organisation was before this […]